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A play written by the BTW Native Collective, is a story of one family's search for their roots after the trauma of residential schools.

Art of War combines poetry, audience involvement, theatre and live visual art to tell the story of the birth of the Group of Seven.

Email us at btheatre@rogers.com for more information.

Dracula, a love story, directed by Peter Muir, written by Sharyl Hudson with musical score by Bill Sewers, this production sold out at Toronto's Casa Loma for five years running and had a run at the Sanderson Centre in Brantford. This unique show entertained thousands.

Helen, Annie and Alec, by Playwright Sharyl Hudson focuses on Bell's relationship with Helen Keller.

Burlesque, A Murder Mystery  This was a two act production created by Brant Theatre Workshops with music by Bill Sewers, this hilarious romp shows BTW at its most light-hearted.